Schmidt says Chrome OS devices will be 'disposable,' priced like netbooks

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I am grateful to the John Dobson Foundation whose generous endowment of the David Somerville Chair has made it possible for me to write this paper at the Fraser Institute after my mandatory retirement from Simon Fraser University at age 65. I thank Michael Walker for comments on the first draft and acknowledge the valuable insights gained during the Western Washington Conference on Monetary Union on April 30, 1999. My special thanks also go to Benjamin Cohen and William Robson who made some valuable, detailed comments on a later draft of the paper. Remaining errors of fact or judgement are mine.
Critical Issues Bulletins are published from time to time by The Fraser Institute (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) as supplements to Fraser Forum, the Institute's monthly periodical. Critical Issues Bulletins are comprehensive studies of single issues of critical importance for public policy.
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Copyright© 1999 by The Fraser Institute
Date of Issue: September 1999
Printed in Canada
Canadian Publications Mail
Sales Product Agreement #0087246
ISSN 1480-3666
Editing and design:
Kristin McCahon and
Lindsey Thomas Martin
Image for front cover copyright©
Michael Shumate, The Image Bank
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