Friday, August 10, 2007

Google is Selling Storage! cool!


Google is Selling Storage

Posted in IT at 2:54 am by Tyler Reguly

I can across this post today on the Official Google Blog. If you are running out of storage space in Picasa or GMail, you can now purchase additional storage space… and over at Google Blogoscoped, they think that Google Docs is a likely addition to the Google Storage program.

Right now GMail stands at ~2.82GB, or so my Storage Account Manager told me. Additional space can be purchased at various sizes and costs:

  • 6GB @ $20/year
  • 25GB @ $75/year
  • 100GB @ $250/year
  • 250GB @ $500/year

The Google Account Help page on the subject of storage space mentions that you can’t allocate how much of your space is given to Picasa or GMail (or any future Google Apps that may be added) and that the storage is used on a first come first serve basis.

It’s an interesting concept, I’m just curious to see how popular it will be as it seems slightly over priced to me. I’m sure that they are setting the foundation for a Google Storage app that allows direct access as an additional drive on your computer, but even so… If that’s what they are attempting to do, they will really need to reconsider their pricing structure.

source :

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