Thursday, July 29, 2010
Judge blocks key parts of Arizona immigration law
Demonstrators hold a banner as they protest against Arizona's controversial Senate Bill 1070 immigration law outside the U.S. District Court in Phoenix July 22, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Joshua Lott
PHOENIX | Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:54pm EDT
PHOENIX (Reuters) - A judge on Wednesday blocked key parts of Arizona's tough new immigration law, granting the Obama administration's request for an injunction on grounds that immigration matters are the federal government's responsibility.
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton agreed to an injunction on provisions including one that required a police officer to determine the immigration status of a person detained or arrested if the officer believes the person is not in the country legally.
The Republican-controlled Arizona Legislature passed the law in April to try to stem the flow of illegal immigrants over the state's border with Mexico and cut down on drug trafficking and crime -- setting it on a collision course with the federal government.
(Reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky in Washington and Tim Gaynor in Phoenix, Editing by Sandra Maler)
Credit: Reuters/Joshua Lott
PHOENIX | Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:54pm EDT
PHOENIX (Reuters) - A judge on Wednesday blocked key parts of Arizona's tough new immigration law, granting the Obama administration's request for an injunction on grounds that immigration matters are the federal government's responsibility.
U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton agreed to an injunction on provisions including one that required a police officer to determine the immigration status of a person detained or arrested if the officer believes the person is not in the country legally.
The Republican-controlled Arizona Legislature passed the law in April to try to stem the flow of illegal immigrants over the state's border with Mexico and cut down on drug trafficking and crime -- setting it on a collision course with the federal government.
(Reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky in Washington and Tim Gaynor in Phoenix, Editing by Sandra Maler)
U.S. bank failures reach 103 so far this year
By Corbett B. Daly
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. bank failures reached 103 so far in 2010 on Friday as regulators seized seven small banks, a faster pace of closures than last year when the century mark was not reached until October.
Bank failures are expected to peak this quarter, with the industry slowly recovering from large portfolios of bad loans, many tied to commercial real estate.
The banks seized on Friday were Sterling Bank of Lantana, Florida; Crescent Bank and Trust Company of Jasper, Georgia; Williamsburg First National Bank of Kingstree, South Carolina; Thunder Bank of Sylvan Grove, Kansas; Community Security Bank of New Prague, Minnesota; SouthwestUSA Bank of Las Vegas, Nevada and Home Valley Bank of Cave Junction, Oregon, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
The largest of the seven banks was Crescent Bank and Trust with 11 branches and about $1.01 billion in total assets and $965.7 million in total deposits. The smallest was Thunder Bank with just two branches and $32.6 million in total assets and $28.5 million in deposits.
The FDIC estimated the seven failures would add about $431 million to the tab for its deposit insurance fund.
The FDIC late last month gave an update on the overall health of the bank industry, saying it sees improvements, but economic threats are still lurking.
The agency, which insures individual accounts up to $250,000, updated its estimates of the cost of bank failures, now expecting a $60 billion hit to its insurance fund from 2010 through 2014.
The recovery of the community bank industry has lagged the bounceback of Wall Street and the healing in the overall economy.
IBERIABANK Corp agreed to assume all of the deposits of Sterling Bank, the FDIC said.
(Reporting by Corbett B. Daly; Additional reporting by Karey Wutkowski; Editing by Tim Dobbyn and Carol Bishopric)
Copyright 2010 Reuters. Click for restrictions.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. bank failures reached 103 so far in 2010 on Friday as regulators seized seven small banks, a faster pace of closures than last year when the century mark was not reached until October.
Bank failures are expected to peak this quarter, with the industry slowly recovering from large portfolios of bad loans, many tied to commercial real estate.
The banks seized on Friday were Sterling Bank of Lantana, Florida; Crescent Bank and Trust Company of Jasper, Georgia; Williamsburg First National Bank of Kingstree, South Carolina; Thunder Bank of Sylvan Grove, Kansas; Community Security Bank of New Prague, Minnesota; SouthwestUSA Bank of Las Vegas, Nevada and Home Valley Bank of Cave Junction, Oregon, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
The largest of the seven banks was Crescent Bank and Trust with 11 branches and about $1.01 billion in total assets and $965.7 million in total deposits. The smallest was Thunder Bank with just two branches and $32.6 million in total assets and $28.5 million in deposits.
The FDIC estimated the seven failures would add about $431 million to the tab for its deposit insurance fund.
The FDIC late last month gave an update on the overall health of the bank industry, saying it sees improvements, but economic threats are still lurking.
The agency, which insures individual accounts up to $250,000, updated its estimates of the cost of bank failures, now expecting a $60 billion hit to its insurance fund from 2010 through 2014.
The recovery of the community bank industry has lagged the bounceback of Wall Street and the healing in the overall economy.
IBERIABANK Corp agreed to assume all of the deposits of Sterling Bank, the FDIC said.
(Reporting by Corbett B. Daly; Additional reporting by Karey Wutkowski; Editing by Tim Dobbyn and Carol Bishopric)
Copyright 2010 Reuters. Click for restrictions.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
G8 G20 nice $897Million!
G-8, G-20 security tab Canada $897 million
Ian Austen, New York Times
Sunday, June 27, 2010
(06-27) 04:00 PDT Huntsville, Ontario -- Few Canadians expected that hosting world leaders at back-to-back summit meetings here this weekend would be cheap or convenient. With downtown Toronto a security maze, businesses boarded up and even the beloved Blue Jays baseball team sent packing, the meetings have met all expectations for aggravation.
But it is the cost of providing security that has elicited gasps.
The latest government estimate is $897 million - about $12 million per hour for three days of summitry - near what the government spends per year on the war in Afghanistan. "The cost of these summits is completely out of whack and extravagant and exorbitant," said Don Davies, a New Democratic Party member of Parliament.
Ever since the infamous Battle in Seattle, the World Trade Organization summit meeting in 1999 in which violent street protests led to 600 arrests and $3 million in property damage, security has been a prime concern for international summit meetings and the costs have soared.
But critics point out that Canada's security expenses are several times larger than those of other recent summit meeting hosts. The security costs for the Group of 20 meeting last year in Pittsburgh, for example, was about $95 million, according to a study by Canada's Parliamentary Budget Officer.
Until this weekend, the highest security cost for a Group of 20 summit meeting was $345 million for the 2008 meeting in Hokkaido, Japan, the report said.
Government officials have defended the costs as necessary. "The cost is expensive, but the security is worth it," Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told Parliament last month.
Since Seattle, other summit meeting hosts have sought to cut costs and improve security by holding the meetings in remote resort areas that are easy to seal off. Security for the 2002 Group of 8 meeting in the resort of Kananaskis, Alberta, cost about $217 million. The 2004 meeting at Sea Island, Ga., separated from the mainland by four miles of march, cost about $135 million to secure.
Bypass Posse Comitatus
A way to bypass Posse Comitatus
Russian Military Analysts are reporting in the Kremlin today (2/26/09) that the United States has, for the first time in its history, granted rights to a Foreign Army to have ‘full power’ over the life and death of American Citizens in their own country.
Though not being reported to the American people by their propaganda media organs, the United States Northern Command Military Leader, US Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, and his Canadian counterpart, Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais [both pictured top left] announced this new Military Pact this past week, and as we can read:

"U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, left, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, signed a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency. The signing took place at U.S. Army North headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Feb. 14, 2008."
It is interesting to note, too, that the Canadian peoples, like their American neighbors to the south, were not told of these plans for their Military Forces, and as we can read as reported by Canada’s Canwest News Service, and who say:
"Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.
Neither the Canadian government nor the Canadian Forces announced the new agreement, which was signed Feb. 14 in Texas."
The more likely use of these Canadian Troops on American Soil, these reports go on to say, would be for the patrolling of US Cities during times of civil war, internal unrest, or, most fearfully, the assisting of US Police in the rounding up of masses of US Citizens for arrest and internment.
This assessment of the truest intentions of the United States War Leaders granting power over their own citizens to Canadian Special Forces Troops, appears to be supported by information coming from US Troops returning from Iraq, and as we can read as reported by the Prison Planet News Service in their report titled "U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens", and which says:

"U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate guns and shoot American citizens, including their own friends and family members, as part of a long-standing program to prepare for the declaration of martial law, according to a soldier who recently returned from Iraq."
An estimated timeline in these reports states that the American people could begin seeing Canadian Soldiers in their cities as early as this summer, as many experts are predicting that the massive food shortages being reported all around the World will begin causing food riots in many American cities.
To how bad the Global Food Crisis is becoming we can read as reported by Australia’s Adelaide Now News Service, and which says:
"A WORSENING global food shortage is a problem far more urgent than climate change, top Australian scientists have warned.
The problem was more urgent even than climate change, said Professor Cribb, from the University of Technology in Sydney, because it will get us first . . . through famine and war. "By 2050 we will have to feed the equivalent of 13 billion people at today's levels of nutrition," he said.
"This situation brings with it the very real possibility of regional and global instability. Investment in global food stability is now defence spending and requires proportionate priority."
There remains no evidence to suggest, either, that the American people themselves are aware of the brutal future being planned for them. Even more sadly, perhaps, is the evidence suggesting that they don’t even want to know.
source :
Though not being reported to the American people by their propaganda media organs, the United States Northern Command Military Leader, US Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, and his Canadian counterpart, Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais [both pictured top left] announced this new Military Pact this past week, and as we can read:

"U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, left, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, signed a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency. The signing took place at U.S. Army North headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Feb. 14, 2008."
It is interesting to note, too, that the Canadian peoples, like their American neighbors to the south, were not told of these plans for their Military Forces, and as we can read as reported by Canada’s Canwest News Service, and who say:
"Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an emergency, but some are questioning why the Harper government has kept silent on the deal.
Neither the Canadian government nor the Canadian Forces announced the new agreement, which was signed Feb. 14 in Texas."
The more likely use of these Canadian Troops on American Soil, these reports go on to say, would be for the patrolling of US Cities during times of civil war, internal unrest, or, most fearfully, the assisting of US Police in the rounding up of masses of US Citizens for arrest and internment.
This assessment of the truest intentions of the United States War Leaders granting power over their own citizens to Canadian Special Forces Troops, appears to be supported by information coming from US Troops returning from Iraq, and as we can read as reported by the Prison Planet News Service in their report titled "U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens", and which says:

"U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate guns and shoot American citizens, including their own friends and family members, as part of a long-standing program to prepare for the declaration of martial law, according to a soldier who recently returned from Iraq."
An estimated timeline in these reports states that the American people could begin seeing Canadian Soldiers in their cities as early as this summer, as many experts are predicting that the massive food shortages being reported all around the World will begin causing food riots in many American cities.
To how bad the Global Food Crisis is becoming we can read as reported by Australia’s Adelaide Now News Service, and which says:
"A WORSENING global food shortage is a problem far more urgent than climate change, top Australian scientists have warned.
The problem was more urgent even than climate change, said Professor Cribb, from the University of Technology in Sydney, because it will get us first . . . through famine and war. "By 2050 we will have to feed the equivalent of 13 billion people at today's levels of nutrition," he said.
"This situation brings with it the very real possibility of regional and global instability. Investment in global food stability is now defence spending and requires proportionate priority."
There remains no evidence to suggest, either, that the American people themselves are aware of the brutal future being planned for them. Even more sadly, perhaps, is the evidence suggesting that they don’t even want to know.
source :
AwakeningIf we are to wake up, it is important to explore the possibilities and reach further to know who we really are. By exploring and remaining open, it is always possible to reach beyond ourselves for enlightenment, higher wisdom, and guidance. The Pleiadian Realm is not at the God level, yet it does exist in time beyond the human level. Ponder for a moment how another system of life might possibly run parallel to our own system of life. The Pleiadian Realm operates outside of our normal concept of linear time. While it operates in another star system, it also exists outside of our normal ideas of time. Imagine for a moment that all of time takes place at the same time - both the past, present as well as the future. If we can tune into a so called past life, then we can also tune into future life - thus the Pleiadian Realm, and beyond. The idea here is for us now to begin to grasp the concept that time does not really exists. Neither does time run in a straight line. The time issue is much more complex than that, so much so that it often completely alludes us.
As we seek and learn of things unknown, we will walk down many paths in life encountering just what we need to help awaken us to a higher destiny. Our journey will cover a lifetime as we gather a multitude of experiences that will help us to expand and evolve. The most important issue to the human condition is not to allow ourselves to become rigid and unyielding in our thinking. This is a common human affliction and causes many to shut down the gates to further exploration, settling comfortably within the confines of one belief system. Our universe is expansive, vast and never ending and mostly unknown - anything at all is possible...and all things are possible
Remember Awareness brings realization. Realization causes an awakening. Awakening brings us to an in-Lightened state. In the Light, you will find your truth....and finally you will know the power is within YOU.
As we seek and learn of things unknown, we will walk down many paths in life encountering just what we need to help awaken us to a higher destiny. Our journey will cover a lifetime as we gather a multitude of experiences that will help us to expand and evolve. The most important issue to the human condition is not to allow ourselves to become rigid and unyielding in our thinking. This is a common human affliction and causes many to shut down the gates to further exploration, settling comfortably within the confines of one belief system. Our universe is expansive, vast and never ending and mostly unknown - anything at all is possible...and all things are possible
Remember Awareness brings realization. Realization causes an awakening. Awakening brings us to an in-Lightened state. In the Light, you will find your truth....and finally you will know the power is within YOU.
source :
North American Union Coming To Your Canadian Neighbourhood By 2010
North American Union Coming To Your Canadian Neighbourhood By 2010
Posted on Friday, June 22 at 11:53 by Kevin ParkinsonIn fact, the big immigration debate going on in the U.S. this month has the Bush administration wanting to grant amnesty to those millions of illegal immigrants already there! Forget about trying to secure the borders now; if there are small cells of terrorists who wish to be in the U.S. I suggest that they have already arrived and living across the country undocumented, receiving food stamps and free medical care. The American government is simply mad or believes that the population is totally ignorant if it believes we cannot see through this facade. Meanwhile American workers have lost jobs and been displaced by these illegals to the tune of $133 billion. There are also about 300,000 women who are pregnant when they illegally enter the United States. Their children will automatically become citizens. The truth of the matter is that the United States government does not want there to be a halt to illegal immigration. Its actions clearly show that. The main agenda here for the United States is to move towards a North American Union, and it is well on its way. The economies of the three countries will gradually be “harmonized.” Our standard of living will erode tremendously and we will forfeit our social services in Canada. The only winners will be the banks and the corporations. In 2005, Canada signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership with Mexico and the United States. The goal of this partnership is to create one North American perimeter, one super-trading bloc with open borders, and so-called “harmonization” of trade, justice, policing, environment and over 300 regulations. Former deputy Prime Minister John P. Manley has been one of Canada’s main proponents for this secretive, and undemocratic initiative. Just as with the formation of the European Union and the objections of the people in those countries, the North American Union is forging ahead, building new toll highways in the U.S. which by 2010 which will bring goods from overseas to Mexico, then to be loaded into trucks and transported north. So secretive is the “SPP” planning for the North American Union that it is apparently hands-off for newspapers, and the politicians either no nothing about it or are told to be silent. Only Peter Julian of the NDP party has insisted on hearings in the House of Commons that took place in May. Dr. Jerome Corsi, a well-known American journalist and writer, has just published a book this week entitled: “The Late Great USA- The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada.” So I guess we’ll have to get our “news” from this book or others, and then report the news to the newspapers so they can warn Canadians that by 2010 we will be a country in name only. Most of our sovereignty will disappear by then if the smoke is still in our eyes.
source :
North American Union is NOT ON HOLD...
North American Union
From SourceWatch
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This article describes allegations that the U.S. government plans to create a "North American Union" (NAU). This article's references excerpt from various documents to suggest that “behind closed doors, the Bush administration has collaborated with the governments of Mexico and Canada to merge the three nations into one Socialist mega-state.”[1] The validity of such claims has been challenged as "right-wing conspiracy theories" that are speculative and unreliable.[2]Allegations of a Plan or Blueprint under Bush
The "plan to create" a North American Union as a regional government—comprising a collective government for the United States, Canada, and Mexico—is "directly stated only" in the May 2005 task force report Building a North American Community published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Jerome Corsi wrote June 26, 2006.The "blueprint" which President George W. Bush is following to create a North American Union was "laid out" in the May 2005 report, Corsi wrote May 19, 2006. "The CFR report connects the dots between the Bush administration's actual policy on illegal immigration and the drive to create the North American Union."
Bush is "pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada," which, Corsi wrote, is "the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy."
The plan, Corsi wrote, is "contained" in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, "little noticed" by the mainstream media when President Bush, Mexico's President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin "created it" March 23, 2005, in a summit held at Waco, Texas.
A North American Union is being created "through a process of governmental regulations" and without ever "having to bring the issue before the American people for a clear referendum or vote," Corsi wrote May 24, 2006.
Partnership for Prosperity
"In September of 2001, during President Bush's first state visit, President Bush and President Fox launched the Partnership for Prosperity, a private-public alliance to harness the power of the private sector to foster an environment in which no Mexican feels compelled to leave his home for lack of jobs or opportunity."—Office of NAFTA and Inter-American Affairs [1]SPP Working Groups
"Canada has established an SPP working group within their Foreign Affairs department," Corsi reported May 30, 2006. "Mexico has placed the SPP within the office of the Secretaria de Economia and created an extensive website for the Alianza Para La Securidad y La Prosperidad de Améica del Norte (ASPAN). On this Mexican website, ASPAN is described as 'a permanent, tri-lateral process to create a major integration of North America.'"NAFTA Super-Highways
"What is objectionable is the plan to form a European Union-style North American Super-Highway system whose primary goal is to establish trilateral links for the open passage of freight transportation and the virtually unrestrained 'migration' of people among the three countries. Building NAFTA Super-Highways that effectively erase the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada is a concern, especially if the NAFTA Super-Highways contribute to accomplishing in a de facto manner the integration of the United States into a North American Union, thereby threatening the currently established sovereignty of the United States," Corsi wrote June 30, 2006.Permanent Tribunal
"The CFR plan clearly calls for the establishment of a 'permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution' as part of the new regional North American Union (NAU) governmental structure that is proposed to go into place in 2010," Corsi wrote June 19, 2006. This tribunal would "trump" the U.S. Supreme Court.Biometric Border Pass
"Instead of stopping North Americans on the borders, we ought to provide them with a secure, biometric Border Pass that would ease transit across the border like an E-Z pass permits our cars to speed through toll booths," Robert A. Pastor told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, June 9, 2005.North American Emergency Management
North American Emergency Management (NAEM) is one of the priority initiatives set forth in the March 31, 2006, White House news release and the fact sheet posted on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America website.The function of NAEM would be similar to that of FEMA's operations during Hurricane Katrina. In his September 20, 2005, article "Glimpse Into The Future Of Global Collectivism - FEMA: Katrina," Chris Gupta wrote:
- "The primary job of the military, FEMA, and Homeland Security is not to protect the American people in times of emergency but to protect the government in times of emergency and keep it functioning. Their primary assignment is, not to rescue people, but to control them. Their directive is to relocate families and businesses, confiscate property, commandeer goods, direct labor and services, and establish martial law. The reason FEMA and Homeland security failed to carry out an effective rescue operation [for Hurricane Katrina] is that this was not their primary mission, and the reason they blocked others from doing so is that any operations not controlled by the central authority are contrary to their directives. Their objective was to bring the entire area under the control of the federal government - and this they succeeded in doing very well. They did not fail in New Orleans. They were a huge success. Once this simple fact is understood, everything that happened in the wake of Katrina becomes understandable and logical.
- "If there are new terrorist attacks against the United States or Great Britain (or any other country), what we witnessed in New Orleans may have been a glimpse into the future of global collectivism."
Bilateral and Trilateral Partnerships and Agreements
U.S. Legislation & Executive Orders
- Executive Order: "Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Commission for Labor Cooperation, Border Environment Cooperation Commission, and North American Development Bank," White House, March 16, 1994. Signed by President Bill Clinton
- Aviation and Transportation Safety Act of 2001 (S.1447) became Public Law 107-71 on November 19, 2001.
- Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002 (H.R.3525): "To enhance the border security of the United States, and for other purposes," introduced December 19, 2001, in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-WI) and became Public Law No: 107-173, April 18, 2002.
- North American Cooperative Security Act (S. 853) introduced April 20, 2005, (109th Congress) in the U.S. Senate by Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana): "A bill to direct the Secretary of State to establish a program to bolster the mutual security and safety of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and for other purposes." The bill was read twice and referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
- North American Cooperative Security Act (H.R. 2672) introduced May 26, 2005, (109th Congress) in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative Katherine Harris (R-Florida): "To direct the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a program to enhance the mutual security and safety of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and for other purposes." The bill was referred to the House Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment on June 6, 2005.
- Executive Order: "Protecting the Property Rights of the American People," White House, June 23, 2006. Signed by President George W. Bush
- S. 3633 Protection against United Nations Taxation Act of 2006 introduced July 11, 2006, (109th Congress) in the U.S. Senate by Senator James Inhofe, et al. The legislation would "require the withholding of United States contributions to the United Nations until the President certifies that the United Nations is not engaged in global taxation schemes." The bill was read twice and referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Testimony, Publications and Reports
News Releases
- "Joint Statement by President George Bush and President Vicente Fox Towards a Partnership for Prosperity. The Guanajuato Proposal," Office of the White House Press Secretary, February 16, 2001.
- Joint Communique: "U.S.-Mexico Migration Talks And Plan of Action for Cooperation on Border Safety," Office of the Spokesman, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C., June 22, 2001.
- Fact Sheet: "Partnership for Prosperity," Office of the White House Press Secretary, September 6, 2001.
- "Action Plan for Creating a Secure and Smart Border. U.S. and Canada. An Efficient, Secure and Smart Border," Office of Homeland Security, December 12, 2001.
- "Specifics of Secure and Smart Border Action Plan," Office of Homeland Security, January 7, 2002. See U.S.-Canada Smart Borders Accord.
- "Securing America's Borders Fact Sheet: Border Security," Office of the White House Press Secretary, January 25, 2002.
- George W. Bush, "President Promotes Secure and Open Borders in El Paso," Remarks in El Paso, Texas, March 21, 2002.
- Fact Sheet: "Smart Border: 22 Point Agreement—U.S. - Mexico Border Partnership Action Plan," Office of the White House Press Secretary, March 21, 2002.
- Fact Sheet: "Specific Measures that Comprise Joint Action Plan with Mexico," Office of the White House Press Secretary, March 21, 2002.
- George W. Bush and Vincente Foxe, "The Monterrey Commitments," Joint Statement, Monterrey, Mexico, March 22, 2002.
- "Partnership for Prosperity." Report to President Vicente Fox and President George W. Bush, Monterrey, Mexico, March 22, 2002.
- Fact Sheet: "U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity," Office of the White House Press Secretary, March 22, 2002.
- "Domenici Introduces Major Infrastructure, Security Bill to To Improve U.S. Southwest & Northern Ports of Entry. Security & Trade Needs Demand New Attention at Border Crossings," Office of Senator Pete V. Domenici, March 5, 2003.
- Press Release: "U.S.-Mexico Border Partnership Joint Statement on Progress Achieved," U.S. Department of Homeland Security, April 23, 2003.
- "The United States and the Summit of the Americas," U.S. Department of State, April 28, 2003.
- "Partnership for Prosperity Report to President George W. Bush and President Vicente Fox." Released by the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Washington, D.C., November 12, 2003.
- "The Bush Administration's Western Hemisphere Policy." Ambassador Roger F. Noriega, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Remarks to the Council of the Americas, New York, New York, January 6, 2004.
- Fact Sheet: "The U.S. and the Summit of the Americas: An Update on U.S. Actions to Implement the Hemisphere's Agenda." Released by the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Washington, D.C., January 6, 2004.
- Fact Sheet: "Special Summit of the Americas: Declaration of Nuevo Leon," Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Washington, D.C., January 14, 2004.
- "Ambassador's Speech: 'North American Integration: Migration, Trade and Security.' Is there a need for new institutions in North America?" Embassy of Mexico in Canada, April 2, 2004.
- "U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Prosperity Launches New Initiatives," U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, June 28, 2004.
- "Remarks by Ambassador Garza at the Seminar 'Reflecting on North American Integration: NAFTA, FTAA, and the Doha Round'," Embassy of the United States, Mexico, September 27, 2004.
- News Release: "Common Security, Common Prosperity a New Partnership in North America," White House, November 30, 2004. re U.S.-Canada Smart Borders Accord
- News Release: "Joint U.S.-Canada Agreement for Land Pre-Clearance Pilots," Office of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Press Secretary, December 17, 2004.
- Eric Green, News Release: "Bush Hosting March 23 Talks with Leaders of Mexico, Canada. Trilateral meeting to promote security, prosperity in region," U.S. Department of State, March 7, 2005.
- Press Release: "Trinational Call for a North American Economic and Security Community by 2010," Council on Foreign Relations, March 14, 2005.
- Rep. Henry J. Hyde, "The Emergence of the North American Community," House Committee on International Relations, March 18, 2005.
- News Release: "U.S. Officials Review Agenda for North American Trilateral Meeting. Bush, Martin, Fox will explore ways to enhance security, prosperity," U.S. Department of State, March 22, 2005.
- News Release: "North American Leaders Discuss Regional Partnership. Bush, Fox and Martin cite cooperation on security, prosperity," U.S. Department of State, March 23, 2005.
- News Release: "North American Prosperity Depends on Security. United States, Canada, Mexico outline new security/prosperity pact," U.S. Department of State, March 23, 2005.
- News Release: "North American Partnership Offers Agenda for Security. U.S., Mexico, Canada seek enhanced trade while fighting terrorism," U.S. Department of State, March 23, 2005.
- News Release: "North American Partnership Offers Agenda for Prosperity. U.S., Mexico, Canada focus on trade, education, health, environment," U.S. Department of State, March 23, 2005.
- News Release: "North American Leaders Unveil Security and Prosperity Partnership. Bush, Fox, Martin outline trilateral efforts during March 23 meeting," U.S. Department of State, March 23, 2005.
- News Release: "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America Prosperity Agenda," White House, March 23, 2005.
- News Release: "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America Security Agenda," White House, March 23, 2005.
- Fact Sheet: "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," White House, March 23, 2005.
- "Notes for an address by His Excellency Gaëtan Lavertu, Canadian Ambassador to Mexico at El Colegio de México. Integration in North America: Dialogue, Political Cooperation and Institutions," Mexico City, April 11, 2005. Posted by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada; updated May 12, 2005.
- "Task Force Urges Measures to Strengthen North American Competitiveness, Expand Trade, Ensure Border Security," Council on Foreign Relations, May 17, 2005.
- News Release: "North American Leaders Unveil Security and Prosperity Partnership. Bush, Fox, Martin outline trilateral efforts during March 23 meeting," U.S. Department of State, March 23, 2006.
- Press Release: "Mexico-United States Prosperity Partnership Update," Presidencia de la Republica, Mexico City (, March 25, 2006.
- News Release: "The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America: Progress," White House, March 31, 2006.
- News Release: "Leaders Note Progress on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," Canada's New Government, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Cancun, Mexico, March 31, 2006.
Published Works
- Robert A. Pastor, "Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New," Institute for International Economics, August 2001 (Paperback), ISBN 0881323284.
- "A Regional Development Policy for North America: Lessons from the Old World for the New." "Draft Paper to be presented to a Conference on 'NAFTA in the new Millennium', co-sponsored by the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, and the University of California, San Diego, May 25-25, 2001.
- "Beyond Free Trade in North America: Narrowing the Development Gap." Paper adapted from the book and presented at a Conference at the Center for Mexican Studies, St. Antony's College, Oxford University, February 2003.
- "Redesigning NAFTA for the 21st Century" (Chapter 1).
- Peter Hakim and Robert E. Litan, eds, "The Future of North American Integration. Beyond NAFTA," Brookings Institution Press, 2002, Cloth Text ISBN 0815733984; Paper Text ISBN 0815733992.
- Peter Andreas and Thomas J. Biersteker, eds., "The Rebordering of North America: Integration and Exclusion in a New Security Context," Routledge Press, 2003, ISBN 0415944678. Review.
- Tom Tancredo, "In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security ," WND Press, 2006.
External links
General Information
- North American Union in the Wikipedia.
- "Canada-U.S. Integration: A Chronology. A Citizen’s Guide to Fighting Deep Integration," The Council of Canadians.
- North American Union Fact Sheet, The American Policy Center.
- "Documents reveal 'shadow government'. Freedom of Information request puts 1,000 new pages online," WorldNetDaily, October 24, 2006. View documents here.
- Integrate This! is about challenging the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), an executive-level pact between the governments and corporate sectors of Canada, the United States and Mexico, which has never been debated publicly or voted on in any of the three countries. There are over 300 initiatives in the SPP aimed at harmonizing North American policies on:
- food,
- drugs,
- Security & Civil Liberties
- immigration,
- refugees,
- manufacturing,
- the environment & public health.
- But media reports often fail to link regulatory changes designed to move the SPP forward back to the broader goal of continental economic and security integration. The goal of the Integrate This! website is to make those links. As well as regular SPP updates, the site is full of reports, interviews and multimedia presentations critical of what's often called the "deep integration" of North America. News updates will be posted here regularly and archived ... The site is updated regularly so visit often, or sign up for regular updates above
Articles & Commentary
Series of Articles
- Steven Yates, "Taking the Red Pill. The Real Matrix", NewsWithViews, December 7, 2004: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; "The North American Union 'Matrix'," NewsWithViews, June 5, 2006: Part 8 and Part 9.
- Letter to the Editor: "North American Union," New York Times, March 30, 1990.
- "North American Community Won't Replace National Identities," Stanford University News Service, April 1, 1993.
- Jeffrey Tucker, "From Nafta to 'Superstate'," The Free Market / Ludwig von Mises Institute, October 1996.
- ↑ The Conservative Roundtable, “The Dangers of the North American Union,” interview with Jerome Corsi conducted by Howard Phillips, php?option=com_seyret&Itemid= 26&task=videodirectlink&id=161
- ↑ Chip Berlet, "The North American Union: Right-wing Populist Conspiracism Rebounds," The Public Eye Magazine (Spring 2008),
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