Germany Hides Spy Satellite Under ‘Global Warming’ Umbrella.
Jason Douglass
January 3, 2011

Undertaking a costly project with an immense scope like next generation spy satellites cannot be done in private. The vast amounts of money involved in these state-of-the-art endeavors make secrecy next to impossible. This is why the current modus operandi is to cloak large scale controversial projects as private commercial ventures with a specific scientific focus like media buzz term ‘global warming’.
January 3, 2011

Undertaking a costly project with an immense scope like next generation spy satellites cannot be done in private. The vast amounts of money involved in these state-of-the-art endeavors make secrecy next to impossible. This is why the current modus operandi is to cloak large scale controversial projects as private commercial ventures with a specific scientific focus like media buzz term ‘global warming’.
Wikileaks has exposed yet another of these clandestine projects by releasing diplomatic cables showing the involvement of at least one German agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) an intelligence service.
Excepted from the leaked cable:
For political optics, the satellites themselves would be operated by a “commercial entity” created specifically for this purpose, but with tasking managed/controlled/coordinated by BND. Commercial imagery sales are envisioned to help offset program development costs. BND managers are adamant that the imagery must be unclassified to enable maximum utility.
Norwegian publication Aftenposten brought the diplomatic cable out of the shadows when the newspaper was granted full access to the Wikileaks CableGate archive. It is clear from this cable BND realized the hurdles it faced with such a project and decided to pull out all the stops when pushing its agenda through. The cable reveals an intent to hide a potentially controversial satellite spy surveillance initiative as a benign environmental protection instrument used to combat ‘global warming’ and continues to be the official cover story for German HiROS project according to the country’s aerospace center.
Further excerpts from the Wikileaks cable:
On 8 April 2009, US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) officers met with German Intelligence Service (BND) officials to discuss Germanys plans for expanded nationally operated overhead reconnaissance resources.
The German Government believes that full spectrum overhead reconnaissance is an effective force multiplier, provides an instrument of national power, and politically frees Germany from dependence on foreign sources of imagery.
Germany anticipates that DLR will evolve the processing of 3D data sets to near real-time. (COMMENT: NGA officers assess that with the launch of the TanDEM-X satellite in Fall 2009 and the proposed launch of HiROS in 2013-2014, Germany could ultimately dominate the world wide market for commercially available optical and SAR-based terrain data.
As 2010 drew to a close the United States and partner Germany announced plans to bolster a new satellite program to improve the environment and combat ‘global warming’. Similar announcements of cooperation have been made between the U.S. other countries.
The project named HiROS is a proposed array of satellites used to make high resolution observations anywhere on the planet down to 50 cm (about 1.5 feet) day or night thanks to infrared optics.
The ‘global warming’ cover story is an increasingly popular technique used to grease the way for any potentially controversial agenda. The point has been reached where anytime the ‘global warning’ term is used red flags should raise.
The first red flag here is the stated push for better resolution without mention of how such advances in optics could help with an alleged environmental theory like ‘global warming’. Not one specific scientific benefit is mentioned.
In fact, beyond the denial of the exposed deal between the German and U.S. agencies, additional comments were scarce. Apparently, even though Wikileaks had blown the lid off the real intent behind HiROS, the project remains classified.
HiROS is scheduled to be in fully place in 2013.
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