Posted Aug 24th 2007 6:18PM by Darren Murph
Filed under: Displays

As researchers continue to forge ahead in their quest to create commercially viable
flexible displays, a new team from
Canada has apparently unearthed a breakthrough of sorts. Reportedly, the crew has been able to conjure up a full-color display which boasts pixels made from
photonic crystals, and by "bonding them to an electroactive polymer that expands when a voltage is applied to it," the colors of the pixels change. According to André Arsenault of the University of Toronto, the newfangled devices "can be viewed just as well in bright sunlight as in indoor light," and if all goes as planned, we could be seeing a whole lot more of these promising units "in as little as two years" when the startup Opalux looks to fit these bendable creations into
billboards, handheld gadgetry, and anything else it deems fit.
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